EFFORTLESS GOLF SWING - Simple Move for easy power
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this way I am super excited because I have one simple move that you can do with your a senior golfer lady golfer average amateur golfer that will massively help you generate so much more power in your golfing more importantly it will generate it in a very accurate way now how do you generate power in the swing you need to state make sure that you're generating club head speed how do you generate it keep as accurate you need to make sure that when you when you're swinging you're staying nice and in line and nice and centered are you doing this but there's one key thing that creates all of that I'm going to share with you in this training exactly what is what that is before I do that if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos consider subscribing press that little Bell button next to subscribe button and you get notified every time I release a video just like this one so what is this magic move very very simple if you can understand how you shift the weight in the feet it will have a direct result and your entire golf swing and the amount of power that you generate let me explain so we said look briefly how do you generate accuracy in a golf swing way to generate accuracy one of the key factors is this we want to stay nice and still in this line but at the same time move we don't want to stay still and just do this we want to be able to move you know nice spiral fashion so we want to stay still and we want that body to move and turn or Spiro let's call it backwards and forwards with that in mind we also want to generate to generate club head speed we want to then let go so how do we create all those things well if you want to stay centered whilst moving at the same time you have to shift your weight correctly now imagine this most people don't realize what they're doing with their feet sometimes people don't use their feet it's hard on't feel the same but if you want to use them correctly it has a massive impact on the way this thing moves watch this if your weight moves from your left to your right in a sliding fashion as an example look where I've noted I've moved off the center that's going to have an impact now on my ability to get back to strike it accuracy if I move off Center here that's going to have a massive impact on how I deliver the club back to the golf ball you see a lot of amateurs and if you're the same gain forward and then you move back here that's gonna fit your strike so being able to stay centered is huge but just trying to stay centered like this won't generate any power so we need the center nough sand the movement to generate the speed and the accuracy so let me show you how we do this what are we going to do now is this your weight or any any player who moves correctly their weight on the backswing moves into the toe of the lead foot my left foot and into the heel of the right foot so Kanna does this or from this angle so see what my right hip goes backwards here I'm creating space here I've got I'm exaggerating here by the way I'm moving the right of her left foots coming up and I'm moving into my right here okay then on the way down what happens is is there's a pressure where they start to become now about 50/50 and then then it goes into the heel so the body's doing this because it's doing this it's easy to stay centered if we start to shift like this backwards and forwards that's going to have a huge impact clearly on your swing so how do you go about working on this well there's a couple of simple ways now the first way I've just tee the ball up here with them with my iron well what I want you to do is make to make it easy just for the feel is what you could do is this you get yourself set and I'll learn this particular drill from a guy called JJ Barea terrific never heard of him before check him out on lines got some fantastic stuff and what you do is you move your weight onto the front part of your left foot and then move it into the heel now all I do to kind of really exaggerate this is actually lift the toe up of the right foot here so it's like toe to heel toe to heel toe to heel now this is really exaggerated because then what we're gonna do we're then going to go heel to toe heel to toe toe toe heel heel to toe now you learning to shift one two now the mission sounds quite complicated but it really isn't you Gus feeling and you might know we're hitting golf balls in the through this you might want to go toe to heel heel toe just feel that
Martian now not stiff if you have been a sway or you've been moving around this will feel like a completely different move you might feel really weird is that with so I get it Bob that's why I teamed up I get a ball and we start to have a go at this so all I'm going to do is this I'm gonna move
backwards and forwards and we're just practicing getting a sensation of that Martian notice how centered I stay I'm not moving this way and the reason why I like to lift the top here just as a drill is because it forces you then to really get this back here okay now for those of you who slice the ball this is fantastic because watch this as you move here and this is go about look at the space we've created to come down this line versus when you're here if you're on your toes too much this is where slices are generally they're moving on to their right to are very quickly in the downswing whereas if you're here you're already got all this space to come down the line so it really really helps have another look at this all I'm doing is I'm moving to the big toe of my lead foot into the heel of an right and I'm practicing this simple Martian backwards and forwards will go a driver in a second so they're they're really really simple now I've got use this drill it's kind of a good one for me as well we really helped but for you he might just take a little bit of time to get used to so what I do now I've got a couple of training aids here I've had these for a long time and you can get this on Amazon I'll put a link in the description below these are those balance cushions and they can really help because one of the things about this game is you've got to be able to learn to feel this moisture so I like these because these balance cushions are simply full of air I use them actually for my lot my gym workouts and you get yourself stood on like this and it just gets you a sensation here I'm bit wobbly okay I'm off balance but what you're doing is is here is it gives me a sensation of our time state I get myself balanced in the middle initially okay and then what I'm going to do here is I could even hit golf ball that I worked initially and I'm gonna get the sensation out of moving into the toe of my you can see here let's her of my lead foot heel of the right and then I practice just this
toe to heel heel to toe heel to toe mean he love left toe of the right imma just and look at how this what they look what happens to this golf swing as I'd make this simple Martian watch the shape of it up and then watch this I say stats of trance down watch this and then move to my heel I then start to naturally release the golf club again whilst staying very very centered let's have a look at this with driver doing exactly the same thing and then I'll talk about how you then start to add this is the accuracy move at the moment but it also really helps to generate speed as well so look at the same with driver we're going to go into the heel back into the heel there so really turn the heel heel to toe and I can really see I cants like a scissor if I can really feel this in changing the entire shape of the golf swing now for those of you who get used to this and a slightly more advanced and wanting a little bit of knowledge about how to then start the downswing with this motion first of all that in itself could be a drill that you work on for a week it to be you might pick it up really really quickly and you've got the flow then you want to stack them well how do i generate even more power well you'll see with some of the best players they even get like this when they've got this weight into the heel here they get into is what I call squat position here now this is a feeling again of a real good sense of a power for the best players but it might not be something you want to work on straight away work on the first stuff but this is where if you're really advancing you want to push on and generate more speed let me show you what actually happens so I'm moving into the heel by right hip goes nice and deep here now watch this I say then plant this heel down here that stayed deep and now I mean this squat position as if we're going to do a squat there from here what it is we're going to push back into that heel and away we go so this is like the middle bit we're doing now we've done the two one two the middle bit is where the power is good at you're going to start to develop that power so it's you go into that heel now watch this that's the squat bit that's the power bit okay now I Pro do this again in just in phases so it's heel squat power
so you can see from here what we're doing is we're simply getting the sensation here look of that we're moving today here getting this nice and deep here and then from here that heel starts to come down we're staying deep and then bang we move further into that heel onto the toe and hey presto we get that shot so we might want to do this nice and slowly initially we drive a heel to heel and away we go keeping everything nice and slow nice and simple that over 1 2 simple as that it will really really help you get a generate the simplicity of how that swing more importantly how the body works and the feet work to create your golf swing so let's summarize what have we done where does power come from power get power needs to have accuracy so to create the accuracy we to make sure that we stay centered in a line here we're only moving off how do we do that well you've got to move your weight in your feet correctly if you move your weight all over the place that's going to shift the what's what's up all over the place so it's simple actually just at home heel up toe up and we're simply moving backwards and forwards like this then add the golf swing because I'm Russian there yeah you see that so we're just getting that sensation start with that first then maybe get some balance cushions again I'll put a link in the description below gates and Amazon they're not expensive but they're really enhance the amount of feel that you get with this entire motion then if you're advanced you may need to look at adding the squat for the really extra power which is simply this so you've been if you're moving deep into that right heel there and then from here watch this from this position here you then pushing back you're moving into the squat position as if you're just about to do a squat and then from there you continue the push into your heel as you move up onto this toe here and it's as simple as that he says but I would start for most of you really simply toda he you'll really feel it heel to toe it will really help generate those extra yards or more importantly those accurate yards cuz it's smooth so I hope you enjoy the training if you did give it a thumbs up and let me show you if one of your friends who I could benefit from something simple like this or of course if you use the channel let me come and subscribe by pressing that little bell bar and the subscribe on until next week have a great golfing week